Geographical genocide, is the carrying on of an activity, business or practice, that causes a group of people to cease being able to live where they have lived for a significant number of years. Examples of geographical genocide include causing or contributing to global warming, where global warming is the cause of rising sea levels and desertification. Both of which have caused groups of people to have to relocate, where their native land has become uninhabitable. This includes islanders subject to flooding from rising sea levels, and those living in areas that are no longer capable of supporting agriculture from desertification, so creating a man-made famine, causing starvation and death. In our view this constitutes the proposed crime of ecocide.
The terms: "Geographical Genocide" in connection with "Man Made Famine" were coined in November 2021 by the English conservationist/advocate, Nelson Kay. He is available to give free (pre claim) advice as to Human Rights, via the Cleaner Ocean Foundation, a not for profit organization, based in the United Kingdom. [Application by post only] Alternatively, please contact the International Criminal Court via their website complaints system. Geographical Genocide is developing law, looking to create a case precedent that others, affected by the greed driven policies of the G20 (and other nations) might use to bring criminal charges.
The British administration, as appointed by Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth in good faith, is a nation that misguidedly, oft-times, rewards maladministration with honours. Maladministration, in terms of Geographical Genocide may include rewarding climate deniers and fossil fuel trading corporations, with knighthoods and other awards of merit, for what is in effect mass murder, such as burning fuels in cities like London, that cause air pollution and lung cancer.
As we head towards the Monarch's 96th birthday in 2022. We hope to help this nation transforms into a bastion of transparency and virtue in United Nations and Universal Declaration terms by revealing issues and lost opportunities that are having a braking effect on the development of a sustainable society that admonishes climate criminals who should never be allowed to hold office again. Ultimately, this is up to the electorate. Please do not vote for any prospective member of parliament who does not stand for action against climate change.
A Climate Criminal is any politician who says that they care about Climate Change, but fails to put into practice whatever bullshit speak they used to get themselves elected. In reality such politicians could not give a fig about global warming so long as they do not have to change their ways. They will say and promise anything to get elected, knowing, or suspecting that their election promises are unattainable, or making such promises without any realistic plan. They get elected pandering to the greed that is in us all to some extent. In the UK we are no different, hence Boris Johnson's Brexit.
The International Criminal Court in The Hague, Netherlands, may try any person who is guilty of causing harm to another human being, such as, by continuing to use, or ramping up use of a fuel that is known to hurt humans in any geographical location (geographical genocide), or failing to introduce conditions or policies to reduce the use of internal combustion engines that cause lung cancer and other respiratory conditions leading to the agonizing deaths for millions of people each year.
The law created in July of 1998, was designed to prevent the most horrific crimes against humanity, including genocide.
OFFSHORE - The great thing about electricity is that energy generated at sea can be used to power vehicles on land. Wind energy can be captured with turbines on land and offshore. Land based development can be less of a navigation hazard and is certainly more efficient for micro-generation closer to the user where voltage drop - hence energy wasted in transmission is negligible. The permitted development rights from 2015 that came about as a result of the Climate Change and Sustainable Energy Act 2006, are not sufficiently encouraging to home owners and businesses to have made any real impact in reaching our carbon reduction targets.