Sir Keir Starmer's first speech as newly elected Prime Minister, Number 10 Downing Street 5th July 2024 - Labour Party



LANDSLIDE VICTORY FOR SIR KIER STARMER'S LABOUR PARTY - WIPES OUT CONSERVATIVE CRONIES - 4TH JULY 2024. The Conservative Party has never performed as poorly in an election since the United Kingdom assumed its modern form in 1922.

But the election was also historic in another way: The country’s smaller parties have also never performed as well as they did on Thursday. That continues a decades-long shift away from a two-party system, and means that Labour’s position may be more fragile than it looks on the surface. The Conservatives lost the most support in seats where Reform surged. In many seats where Labour won, Reform came in second place, delivering on Mr. Farage’s pledge to position the party well for the next general election, expected in 2029.







Reform UK is a right-wing populist political party and registered private limited company in the United Kingdom. Founded in November 2018 as the Brexit Party, advocating a no-deal Brexit, it won the most seats at the 2019 European Parliament election in the UK, but did not win any seats at the 2019 general election. The UK withdrew from the European Union (EU) in January 2020. A year later, in January 2021, the party was renamed Reform UK. During the COVID-19 pandemic the party advocated against further lockdowns. Since 2022, it has campaigned on a broader platform, in particular pledging to reduce net migration, supporting low taxation, and opposing the government's net-zero energy policy. Following Nigel Farage's resumption of the party leadership in early June during the campaign for the 2024 general election, opinion pollsters and analysts reported a sharp increase in support for the party. In the election it gained five Members of Parliament (MPs) with the third highest popular vote at 4,114,287, and 14.3% of the vote share.









Farage had been the leader of the UK Independence Party (UKIP), a right-wing populist and Eurosceptic party, in the first half of the 2010s, and returned to frontline politics as leader of the Brexit Party during the Brexit process after the 2016 EU membership referendum, which had been called partly in response to UKIP's influence. The party won 29 seats at the May 2019 European Parliament election, which was the best result for any single party in the 9th European Parliament.

The Brexit Party campaigned for a no-deal Brexit and there were high-profile defections to it from the Conservative Party, including Ann Widdecombe and Annunziata Rees-Mogg. Following Boris Johnson's election as the leader of the Conservative Party, Farage offered him an electoral pact at the 2019 general election, which Johnson rejected. The Brexit Party decided unilaterally not to stand candidates against sitting Conservative MPs.

By May 2020, the British exit from the EU having taken place, the party focused on the reformation of British democracy and a name change from Brexit Party to Reform Party was proposed. The COVID-19 pandemic began in the UK in 2020, and the Conservative government imposed a series of national lockdowns. Farage rebranded the party as Reform UK around the end of the year and focused on anti-lockdown campaigning. Farage stepped down as leader in March 2021 and was succeeded by Richard Tice. In March 2024, Lee Anderson, who was elected in 2019 as a Conservative MP, defected to Reform UK, becoming the party's first MP. On 3 June 2024, Richard Tice announced that Nigel Farage would become leader once more, with Tice continuing as chairman. The party won 5 seats in the 2024 United Kingdom general election - the first time that Reform UK had MPs elected to the House of Commons.











To make better use of the free energy from offshore wind turbines, perhaps by generating hydrogen for fuel as gas for homes, and to generate electricity for fuel cell vehicles, and hydrogen for IC engines like that produced by JCB, or produce green methanol for other road cars, such as to use the existing service station infrastructure. Unfortunately, that presumes members are up to speed with such developments. It also presumes that funding development grants do not go to those already in fossil fuel businesses, with conflicts if interest. Such as investors in oil companies, or their subsidiaries.


There is no reason why Wealden might not endorse such technology, and even encourage the transition, with the right policies in place. To make it happen.


The UK could become a net exporter of energy and renewable technology. The energy cost 'crisis' would be averted. Energy companies that do not invest in renewables, could be fined, and/or lose their franchise. This might mean the enactment of urgent legislation, which the Conservative party might not support.











We need to encourage entrepreneurs in music, films and publishing in the Wealden area. One thing we are good at is creating original scripts and songs and producing very exportable actors, music is a valuable export. The pop group Abba, was once Sweden's second largest export, after Saab vehicles. Creative people should be encouraged, to write books and illustrate comics.




We are reliant on the import of cheap goods, and much of our food. We should encourage sustainable fishing along our coasts, and the growing of vegetables and grain, to reduce as much as possible, imports. Wealden has a number of vineyards.


Each time these inconvenient facts were brought to the attention of your Chief Executive, the newby resigned. Then your council tried to resolve in 2003/04, with a Consent Order, where your council would apply for permission to regularize the permission, but instead sought to discredit the protestor in 2006, to as it were eliminate his assertions from the copy book.





US President Joe Biden, signs to borrow yet more money, making America's pile of shit even bigger. Or, if you prefer, digging an even deeper fiscal asshole.



PASSING THE BUCK - President Biden said a US default on its $31.4tn (£25tn) debt by Monday's deadline (5th June 2003) would have been "catastrophic". The ceiling was justified by a theoretical $1.5 trillion in savings. But what happens if spending creeps up again, or those savings cannot be made?

Suspending the debt limit through early 2025 takes the threat of default off the table until after next year’s presidential election. In addition to addressing the debt limit, the law caps non-defense spending, expands work requirements for some food stamp recipients and claws back some Covid-19 relief funds, among other policy provisions. The US Treasury Department had warned it would no longer be able to pay all of the nation’s obligations in full and on time – a scenario that could have triggered global economic catastrophe. What a state for any nation to get into. They are only "hoping" for fiscal stability. It is not guaranteed by any means - because they should have acted before $5.0 trillion. A Circular Economy, is where no borrowing is required. Not a country hanging out to dry.







Before the general election on 8 December 2019, the party's leader Nigel Farage announced that, following Brexit, the party would change its name to the "Reform Party", and campaign for changes in the electoral system and structure of the House of Commons.

In July 2020, Italexit, a Eurosceptic party inspired by the Brexit Party, was founded in Italy. In November 2020, Farage and Tice announced that they had applied to the Electoral Commission to rename the Brexit Party to 'Reform UK'. They said that the party would campaign on a platform that was opposed to further COVID-19 pandemic lockdowns (due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic) and that it would seek to reform aspects of UK Governance, including the BBC and House of Lords. The party also gave its support to the Great Barrington Declaration. On 4 January 2021, the party's name change to Reform UK was approved by the Electoral Commission.

In 2021, Reform UK gained representation in the Scottish Parliament when former Conservative and then independent MSP Michelle Ballantyne joined the party and was named Reform UK's leader in Holyrood. She lost her and the party's only seat in Scotland in the 2021 Scottish Parliament election, and resigned as the party's leader in Scotland in February 2022.

Farage stepped down as leader in March 2021, being replaced by party chairman Richard Tice. Former North West England MEP David Bull was appointed as deputy leader of the party on 11 March 2021. On 26 March 2021, it was announced that former Brexit Party MEP Nathan Gill had become the Leader of Reform UK Wales.

In 2021, Reform UK announced its intention to field a full slate of candidates in the Senedd, Scottish Parliament and London Assembly elections with leader Richard Tice standing for election in the latter. However, the party did not nominate a candidate for London Mayor after making a pact with Reclaim Party leader and actor Laurence Fox. Fox finished sixth in the mayoral election with less than 2% of the votes. The party failed to win any seats above local level in the 2021 elections in May, and lost their deposit in the Hartlepool by-election.

In the Senedd election, the party fielded a full slate of candidates in every constituency and on the regional lists, but picked up just 1.6% of the constituency vote (7th place) and 1.1% of the regional list votes (8th place). In the Scottish Parliament election, no constituency candidates were fielded and the party received only 5,793 list votes across the whole country. In the London Assembly election, none of their constituency candidates were elected and the party finished tenth on the London-wide list with 25,009 votes.

In October 2022, Reform UK and the Social Democratic Party (SDP) announced an electoral pact. Richard Tice declared Reform's intention to stand in 630 constituencies across England, Scotland and Wales with "no ifs, no buts". In December 2022, David White, a Conservative member of Barnsley Metropolitan Borough Council, and Richard Langridge, a Conservative member of West Oxfordshire District Council, both defected to Reform UK to stand as prospective parliamentary candidates for the party.

The media gave renewed attention to Reform UK in December 2022 during the cost-of-living crisis after Farage announced that it would stand a full slate of candidates at the next general election. Tice remained leader of the party. After some opinion polls indicated a modest increase in support for Reform UK, The Daily Telegraph described the party as a "threat on the Right" to the Conservative government of Prime Minister Rishi Sunak.

On the weekend of 7 and 8 October 2023, Reform UK held its party conference in London with 1,100 attendees. On 20 October 2023, Richard Tice confirmed that Reform UK would stand in Conservative seats at the 2024 general election, and by January 2024, the party was polling around 10% of the popular vote. It was suggested that Reform UK would play the role of spoiler party for the Conservatives, since it attracted former Tory voters. The Guardian speculated that votes for the party could lead to more than 30 additional seat losses for the Conservative Party.

In Northern Ireland, in March 2024, the party formed an electoral pact with the Traditional Unionist Voice (TUV), in which the two parties would stand mutually agreed candidates there.

In April 2024, it was reported that the Reform Party had expelled a number of prospective candidates for making embarrassing public statements. Richard Tice said that "every party has their share frankly of muppets and morons". In March, Beau Dade, the prospective candidate in South Swindon, was dismissed by the party after it emerged that he had written an article saying, "The end game is to be in a position where it is possible to re-migrate hundreds of thousands – perhaps millions – of people back to their countries of origin... This is just one more unfortunate horror which the leftists and globalists and traitors have forced upon us." A spokesman for Reform UK said that it had "acted quickly" in sacking Dade, and that the party did not want to be represented by someone with his views.

Two parliamentary candidates were dropped in April 2024 for comments made on social media in 2019–21. Jonathan Kay, who was set to stand in South Ribble, had tweeted in 2019 that the average IQ of Africans was "among the lowest in the world". Mick Greenhough, who was to stand in Orpington, tweeted in 2019 that, "Most Jews are reasonable people. Their problem is the Ashkenazi Jews who have caused the world massive misery." Greenhough also claimed that the Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby was "a Jew and closer to Cultural Marxism than Christianity." A spokesman for Reform said that, while the party defended its "candidates' right to freedom of speech", they "act fast when we find that individuals' statements fall beneath our standards."

In May 2024, Alex Wilson became Reform's first London Assembly member, elected via the London-Wide voting system.

On 3 June 2024, Nigel Farage replaced Richard Tice as leader of the party. It gained five MP's in England in the July 2024 general election, and its Northern Irish affiliate TUV, one.




Northern Area Manager: John Kelly

South East Regional Manager - John Edwards -

David Morgan:

Mark Ashdown:

Southampton City Organiser: Philip Crook

London Area Manager: Roger Gravett

Scotland Area Manager: Martyn Greene

Wales Campaign Director - Kirsty Walmsley -

West Sussex / East Sussex County Organiser: John Wallace


83 Victoria Street, London SW1H 0HW, United Kingdom
0800 414 8525

























































Conservative Party

Co-operative Party

Democratic Unionist Party

Green Party

Labour Party

Liberal Democrats

Plaid Cymru

Scottish National Party

Sinn Féin

Social Democratic and Labour Party

UK Independence Party

Ulster Unionist Party


We are concerned with how the make up of the above parties and (reasonably) popular policies affects the Wealden district, because we are all brothers on two islands in the Atlantic Ocean and what we do of fail to do is likely to rebound on ourselves and our fellow man in other nations around the world. How we act today influences policies in other countries in our global community. It is not just about us and our patch.




East Sussex has five District and Borough Councils, each with a border on the coast. From west to east they are: 


Eastbourne Borough Council

Hastings Borough Council

Lewes District Council 

Rother District Council 

Wealden District Council


There is also East Sussex County Council as the provider of services to the 5 East Sussex districts.


As near neighbours and with councils now sharing facilities and working together, these area of Sussex are included in our remit and an area where climate change and affordable housing are issues that need urgent attention. Where the coastline is a feature in every Council, Blue Growth is a food security issue, especially where this side of of our local economy is under-exploited.










