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Paul Anderson, Humberside police Chief ConstableNick Adderly, Chief Constable, Northamptonshire constabularyWill Kerr, Devon and Cornwall Chief Constable










One in 10 chief constables have stepped down from their posts amid misconduct allegations or vetting problems in the last year.

Humberside’s Paul Anderson became the latest casualty by announcing his retirement after being told that he was under investigation for alleged inappropriate behaviour following complaints by junior staff.

Mr Anderson’s retirement was announced on Tuesday ahead of the disclosure 24 hours later that he was the subject of a misconduct inquiry by the Independent Office for Police Conduct (IOPC).

He is the fourth out of 43 chief constables in England and Wales to step aside or quit after allegations over inappropriate behaviour or outstanding vetting issues.

It is thought the number is unprecedented and follows the high-profile sacking of Nick Adderley last week as chief constable of Northamptonshire for lying about his military service.

The IOPC said it had begun its investigation into Mr Anderson after a “mandatory conduct referral” by Humberside’s police and crime commissioner Jonathan Evison.

“The referral, received on Monday (24 June), contained allegations concerning standards of behaviour, largely related to communication and behaviour towards colleagues,” said the IOPC.

“We will now conduct a thorough investigation, independently of the police, into the matters brought to our attention.”

The investigation at this stage is a disciplinary one. A severity test will now be carried out by the IOPC to assess whether there are any criminal matters and whether the alleged behaviours, if proven, amount to misconduct or much more severe gross misconduct.

Mr Evison said that Mr Anderson’s retirement would not mean he avoided answering any allegations. Mr Anderson took over running the force with Humberside rated as outstanding and the best performing force ever assessed by the policing inspectorate.

He worked in policing for 34 years and joined Humberside police as an assistant chief constable in 2019, becoming deputy chief constable, before rising to chief constable in August 2023.

Devon and Cornwall police’s chief constable, Will Kerr, was suspended last year over serious sexual allegations in a protracted investigation.

Last week the West Mercia force lost its incoming new chief constable, Kyle Gordon after a vetting issue, and thus was left without permanent leadership.

The force said its incoming chief will not be taking up the job despite his appointment being announced seven months ago, and with him yet to work a day in the role.

The Police and Crime Commissioner’s office has refused to say why, other than to confirm that a “pre-employment process” took place before any new chief could start. Two senior policing sources say the issue relates to “vetting”.





The Economic Crime and Corporate Transparency Act (ECTA) 2023 has some direct application to individual Council and Post Office officials, or indeed, ministers or police officers engaged in a cover up fraud against members of the public. It can play a supporting role in uncovering and prosecuting such cases in several ways:

Supporting Tools:

- Enhanced Financial Investigations: ECTA expands powers for authorities to obtain financial information and trace suspicious transactions. This can help connect corrupt officials' activities to illicit financial gains.


- Whistleblower Protection: The Act strengthens whistleblower protections, encouraging council staff to report internal fraud without fear of reprisal. This can provide valuable information for investigations.


- Unexplained Wealth Orders: If a council official possesses wealth disproportionate to their known income, UWOs can be used to investigate the source of that wealth and potentially uncover fraudulent activities.


Indirect Impact:


- Corporate Liability: While ECTA targets companies, it can put pressure on local authorities to implement better anti-fraud controls and oversight mechanisms. This can make it harder for individual officials to commit fraud undetected.


- Increased Scrutiny: The Act's focus on transparency and beneficial ownership can expose hidden conflicts of interest or shell companies used by corrupt officials. This can raise public awareness and encourage investigations.


- Deterrence: The harsher penalties and increased risk of detection under ECTA may serve as a deterrent to potential fraudsters within local authorities.


Additional Measures:


While ECTA isn't the primary tool for directly prosecuting corrupt council officials, other legal frameworks have specific provisions for such cases:


- Bribery Act 2010: Criminalizes offering, accepting, or bribing an official.


- Fraud Act 2006: Covers various forms of fraud, including deception, false accounting, and abuse of position.


- R v Dytham 1979: Makes it an offense for public officials to knowingly act in a way that constitutes a breach of trust, such as abusing their position for personal gain.


To effectively prosecute corrupt council officials, a combination of these legal frameworks, along with investigative resources and political will, is crucial.


Several sections of the Economic Crime and Corporate Transparency Act 2023 (ECTA) strengthen whistleblower protections and encourage individuals to report wrongdoing within companies:

Enhanced Protection:

- Section 83: Extends existing whistleblower protections under the Public Interest Disclosure Act 1998 (PIDA) to cover disclosures made to certain regulated activities outside the UK, aligning with the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) Anti-Bribery Convention.


- Section 84: Introduces a reverse burden of proof in certain PIDA cases, meaning employers must prove they did not take retaliatory action against whistleblowers who disclosed qualifying information. This makes it easier for whistleblowers to win unfair dismissal claims.


- Section 85: Expands the definition of "work-related information" in PIDA to encompass information about potential environmental damage, health and safety risks, and tax evasion, broadening the scope of protected disclosures.

Confidentiality and Support:

- Section 86: Strengthens anonymity protections for whistleblowers, allowing them to make disclosures anonymously through internal or external reporting channels without fear of being identified.


- Section 88: Mandates companies with 50 or more employees to establish internal reporting channels for whistleblowers to report concerns confidentially.


- Section 89: Requires companies to provide appropriate support to whistleblowers, including access to legal advice and counseling.

Reporting Mechanisms:

- Section 90: Introduces a new reporting mechanism for whistleblowers to disclose concerns directly to the Office of the Whistleblower Commissioner, an independent body empowered to investigate complaints and recommend remedies.


- Section 91: Expands the powers of the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) and the National Crime Agency (NCA) to receive and investigate whistleblower disclosures concerning money laundering and economic crime.

These provisions aim to create a more supportive and secure environment for whistleblowers to report wrongdoing, potentially leading to earlier detection and prevention of corporate misconduct.


Contact Victor confidentially for details, proofs of evidence, etc: victor@humanrightsuk.org





The Criminal Cases Review Commission (CCRC) refused to investigate the virginity and conflict of interests issues. Where the Common Law relating to conflicts of interest: R v Sussex Justices ex-parte McCarty 1924 KBD, should have prevented SXP from investigating rape. SXP should properly have recused themselves, as in the James Ashley case. Which was investigated by Hampshire and Kent police. In failing to recuse themselves, they rendered the proceedings unsafe. As well the CCRC should know. But, as it appears, that organization may well be tainted. Though it is unclear if this is Masonic influence, or the Honours system. That rewards people for towing the party line. The "party" being making the British judicial system appear squeaky clean. We wonder if the ECTA below may have any long term repercussions, as to the players not doing their respective duties?






Paul Seaman

It shouldn't come as a surprise; we don't live in a meritocracy. Police officers don't get promoted to the higher ranks for being the most ethical or righteous candidate. As with most other organisations, it is all politics and backroom dealing.

Simon Boulton

Why does opting to retire kill the investigation off? Irrespective of of they are working or retired, if they've done something wrong it should be investigated and the investigation should be completed.

Adrian Leatherbarrow

Corruption is deeply rooted within all of the worlds police forces, Whenever someone is given a position of power they abuse it, Fact! The Police forces in Britain are nothing more than a highly corrupt organised crime gang masquerading as a reputable institution.

David Sayers

I have been writing to the media and MPs of all parties about my local police force. It is not under investigation and will not be, since the PCC is very much on the side of the police, thereby breaking his oath.

One PCC candidate recently stood on a platform of removing illegal practice from the police, but he lost as did another excellent candidate.

MY local MP, Anneliese Dodds does not know what to do about this and so did nothing when the PCC refused to meet. I assume her parliamentary colleagues were equally baffled, otherwise she could have asked them.

The IOPC refer everything back to the police force being criticises so a complaint along those lines is doomed to failure.

The Home Office ignore me.

Stefan Fisher

Just goes to show how senior police officers are lying or making use of friends in high places and covering up false information about their abilities , suitability's ,or competences and experience , most climb up the greasy pole by way of a university degree to jump up the levels and them abuse their positions in the job

Chris Brown

I would like to know, was he doing a good job? whatever he had said he had done or been. I don't think anyone can honestly say they hadn't massaged or adjusted the facts or truth at sometime!







REFLECTION: JANUARY 2022 - Masterminds, Boris and Rishi, halved the value of pensioner's savings with their fatally flawed grasp on Brexit, getting voted in by a big red campaign bus promising £350 million for the NHS in large white lettering, but that was a massive deception that narrowly missed Bojo being prosecuted for fraud. After claiming we could have our EU cake and eat it, and a gullible electorate believing him! Now dear Rishi is raiding the ordinary man's piggy bank, so that his children might not benefit from inheritance - and it only took him all his life to accumulate. Presumably, dumb & dumber studied Colonial accounting and rule. But we don't have an Empire anymore to underpin the excesses or crass policies. Bojo can't sack Rishi, cos he bankrupt the nation with his poppycock, and needs the cash from your savings for more wallpapering during lockdown. Though he's snake-charmed Her Majesty with a parliament prorogue, sufficiently that she didn't sack him. Why not? Well, at that level, without a Written Constitution and the Justice System infested with honours and secret society influence, he is above the law - because there is no law in what is effectively a police state - if you report crime and then get slammed with stalking Orders of other SLAPP action for your trouble. Especially banking of planning fraud. Then are are for it my lad! They don't want the public to know about the bigger picture. You just keep watching the BBC and ITV, for your regular whitewashed news drip feed.















There are similarities between the Post Office handling as to claims of wrongdoing, effectively, fraudulent accounting, and the Petition in 1997, when Wealden District Council (WC) are alleged to have colluded with Sussex police to, not investigate the Petitioners claims.






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