societies abound with different interpretations as to the order of
importance, national and international influences. We include and review
articles on the subject, but you can decide for yourselves who is who
and who did what by researching the subject further.
essence, a secret society is a club or an organization whose activities, events, inner functioning, or membership are concealed from non-members. The society may or may not attempt to conceal its existence. The term usually excludes covert groups, such as intelligence agencies or guerrilla insurgencies, that hide their activities and memberships but maintain a public presence.
The exact qualifications for labeling a group as a secret society are disputed, but definitions generally rely on the degree to which the organization insists on secrecy, and might involve the retention and transmission of secret knowledge, the denial about membership or knowledge of the group, the creation of personal bonds between members of the organization, and the use of secret rites or rituals which solidify members of the group.
points of note are the degree of corruption and ability to corrupt
public morals, influences on law enforcement authorities that do not
hold true to human rights obligations, statutory aims and constitutional
corruptions, the most damming of which are probably the masonic lodges
that effectively control much of the land development in some counties
of Great Britain.
Because some secret societies have political aims, they are illegal in several countries. Italy (Constitution of Italy, Section 2, Articles 13-28) and Poland, for example, ban secret political parties and political organizations in their constitutions.

Many student societies established on university campuses in the United States have been considered secret societies. Perhaps one of the most famous secret collegiate societies is Skull and Bones at Yale University. The influence of undergraduate secret societies at colleges such as Harvard College, Dartmouth College, the University of Chicago, the University of Virginia, Georgetown University, New York University, and Wellesley College has been publicly acknowledged, if anonymously and circumspectly, since the 19th century.
British Universities, too, have a long history of secret societies or quasi-secret societies, such as The Pitt Club at Cambridge University, Bullingdon Club at Oxford University, and the 16' Club at St David's College. Another British secret society is the Cambridge Apostles, founded as an essay and debating society in 1820.
In France, Vandermonde is the secret society of the Conservatoire National des Arts et Métiers.
Notable examples in Canada include Episkopon at the University of Toronto's Trinity College, and the Society of Thoth at the University of British Columbia.
Secret societies are disallowed in a few colleges. The Virginia Military Institute has rules that no cadet may join a secret society, and secret societies have been banned at Oberlin College from 1847 to the present, and at Princeton University since the beginning of the 20th century.
Confraternities in Nigeria are secret-society like student groups within higher
education. The exact death toll of confraternity activities is unclear. One estimate in 2002 was that 250 people had been killed in campus cult-related murders in the previous decade, while the Exam Ethics Project lobby group estimated that 115 students and teachers had been killed between 1993 and 2003.
Many Christian Churches forbid their members from joining secret societies. For example, ¶41 of the General Rules contained in Discipline of the Allegheny Wesleyan Methodist Connection teaches:
Further, by abstaining from membership in secret societies. We will on no account tolerate our ministers and members joining or holding fellowship with secret societies, as, in the judgment of The Allegheny Wesleyan Methodist Connection (Original Allegheny Conference), it is inconsistent with our duties to God to hold such relations.
“Jesus answered him, I spake openly to the world; I ever taught in the synagogue, and in the temple, whither the Jews always resort; and in secret have I said nothing” (John 18:20). “Wherefore if they shall say unto you, Behold, he is in the desert; go not forth: behold, he is in the secret chambers; believe it not” (Matt. 24:26).
“But above all things, my brethren, swear not, neither by heaven, neither by the earth, neither by any other oath: but let your yea be yea; and your nay, nay; lest ye fall into condemnation” (Jas. 5:12).
Also see Lev. 5:4, 5; Isa. 29:15; Matt. 5:34–36; John 3:19, 20; 2 Cor. 4:1, 2; 6:14–18; Eph. 5:11, 12; 1 John 4:2, 3.

1. The Illuminati
A movement of freethinkers that were the most radical offshoot of The Enlightenment — whose followers were given the name Illuminati (but who called themselves “Perfectibilists”) — was founded on May 1, 1776 in Ingolstadt (Upper Bavaria), by Jesuit-taught Adam Weishaupt. This group is now known as the Bavarian Illuminati. While it was not legally allowed to operate, many influential intellectuals and progressive politicians counted themselves as members. Even though there were some known Freemasons in the membership, it was not considered to be endorsed by Masonry. The fact that the Illuminati did not require a belief in a supreme being made them particularly popular amongst atheists. This, and the fact that most members were humanists, is the reason for the widespread belief that the Illuminati wants to overthrow organized religion. Internal panic over the succession of a new leader, and government attempts to outlaw the group saw to it collapsing entirely in the late 1700s. Despite this, conspiracy theorists such as David Icke and Was Penre, have argued that the Bavarian Illuminati survived, possibly to this day, though very little reliable evidence can be found to support the idea that Weishaupt’s group survived into the 19th century. It has even been suggested that the Skull and Bones club is an American branch of the Illuminati. Many people believe that the Illuminati is still operating and managing the main actions of the governments of the world. It is believed that they wish to create a One World Government based on humanist and atheist principles.

2. Freemasons
The Grand Masonic Lodge was created in 1717 when four small groups of lodges joined together. Membership levels were initially first and second degree, but in the 1750s this was expanded to create the third degree which caused a split in the group. When a person reaches the third degree, they are called a Master Mason. Masons conduct their regular meetings in a ritualized style. This includes many references to architectural symbols such as the compass and square. They refer to God as “The Great Architect of the Universe”. The three degrees of Masonry are: 1: Entered Apprentice, this makes you a basic member of the group. 2: Fellow Craft, this is an intermediate degree in which you are meant to develop further knowledge of Masonry. 3: Master Mason, this degree is necessary for participating in most masonic activities. Some rites (such as the Scottish rite) list up to 33 degrees of membership. Masons use signs and handshakes to gain admission to their meetings, as well as to identify themselves to other people who may be Masons. The signs and handshakes often differ from one jurisdiction to another and are often changed or updated. This protects the group from people finding out how to gain admission under false pretenses. Masons also wear stylized clothing based upon the clothing worn by stone masons from the middle ages. The most well known of these is the apron. In order to become a Mason, you must generally be recommended by a current mason. In some cases you must be recommended three times before you can join. You have to be at least 18 years old and of sound mind. Many religions frown upon membership of the Masons, and the Roman Catholic Church forbids Catholics to join under pain of excommunication.

3. The Order of the Skull and Bones
The Order of Skull and Bones, a Yale University society, was originally known as the Brotherhood of Death. It is one of the oldest student secret societies in the United States. It was founded in 1832 and membership is open to an elite few. The society uses masonic inspired rituals to this day. Members meet every Thursday and Sunday of each week in a building they call the “Tomb”. According to Judy Schiff, Chief Archivist at the Yale University Library, the names of the members were not kept secret until the 1970s, but the rituals always have been. Both of the Bush presidents were members of the society while studying at Yale, and a number of other members have gone on to great fame and fortune. The society is surrounded by conspiracy theories; the most popular of which is probably the idea that the CIA was built on members from the group. The CIA released a statement in 2007 (coinciding with the popularity of the film The Good Shepherd) in which it denied that the group was an incubator for the
4. The Knights of the Golden Circle
The Knights of the Golden Circle was a secret society that flourished in the U.S. during the American Civil War. In the beginning, the group sought to encourage the annexation of Mexico and the West Indies, which they believed would help the waning slave trade to once again flourish. But once the Civil War started, the group switched its focus from colonialism to fervent support of the newly established Confederate government. The Knights soon had thousands of followers, many of whom formed guerilla armies and began raiding Union strongholds in the West. In the Northern states, the mysterious order had an even bigger impact. Many newspapers and public figures engaged in witch-hunts where they accused supposed Southern sympathizers, including President Franklin Pierce, of being members of the Knights of the Golden Circle. Unlike most secret societies, the Golden Circle didn’t just concern itself with clandestine meetings and mysterious plans. Instead, the group often formed renegade armies and bands of bushwhackers in order to forward their agenda by force. In 1860, a group of the Knights made a failed attempt to invade Mexico. During the war, they robbed stagecoaches and attempted a blockade of the harbor in San Francisco, and a group of them even managed to briefly take control of southern New Mexico.
5. The Hashshashin
The Hashshashin, or Nizari, were a mysterious band of Muslim assassins that operated in the Middle East during the 13th century. The group was made up of Shia Muslims who broke off from a bigger sect and banded together in order to establish a utopian Shi’ite state. Because their number was small, the group used guerilla tactics in their battle against their enemies, including espionage, sabotage, and, most famously, political assassination. The Hashshashin would plant highly trained moles inside enemy strongholds, with instructions to only attack when the time was right. They were known for their extreme discretion in minimizing civilian casualties, as well as their penchant for using stealth to intimidate their targets. As the story goes, enemy leaders would often wake in the morning to find a Hashshashin dagger lying on their pillow, along with a note saying “you are in our grip.” Their legend soon grew, and before the Mongols finally destroyed the group, they became well known contract killers, supposedly performing jobs for the likes of King Richard the Lionheart. Around the time of their downfall, the library that contained all Nizari records was destroyed, so much of what is known about them today has taken on the status of myth. The most controversial legend centers of the group’s use of drugs and other intoxicants– “Hashshashin” translates roughly as “Hashish user”–which some have said were employed by the members in battle. This has been widely discredited, but the term “Hashshashin” as it refers to the Nizari is believed to be the origin of the modern word “assassin.”
6. The Black Hand
The Black Hand was a secret society of anti-imperialist political revolutionaries that was started in Serbia in 1912. It formed as an offshoot from Narodna Adbrona, a group that sought to unite all of the Slavic people of Europe under one country. This required the separation of Serbia from the monarchy of Austria-Hungary, which had annexed the country some years before. With this in mind, the group began disseminating anti-Austrian propaganda and training saboteurs and assassins to disrupt political rule within the province. Their plan was to incite a war between Serbia and Austria, which would give them a chance to free their country and unite the different Slavic nations as one. Black Hand would be all but forgotten today if not for their unlikely involvement in one of the biggest events of the twentieth century. In 1914, the group engineered the assassination of the Austrian Archduke Franz Ferdinand. The job was badly botched, and was only completed when a low-level hood named Gavrilo Princip stumbled upon the Archduke’s car and shot him to death at close range (see photo). Still, the results of the assassination were catastrophic. Within days, Austria-Hungary had declared war on Serbia, and after the allies of both countries joined the fray, the small dispute managed to escalate into WWI. The aftermath of
WWI eventually led to WWII, and this led to the Cold War, which makes the Black Hand one of the most strangely influential forces of the twentieth century.
We live in hope that WWIII
never comes about. This is a kind of cold war, but more about cyber
space and controlling citizens who make waves, where they might be
unhappy with the present world situation.

7. The order of the Golden Dawn
The order of the Golden Dawn was created by Dr. William Robert Woodman, William Wynn Westcott, and Samuel Liddell MacGregor Mathers. All three were Freemasons and members of Societas Rosicruciana in Anglia (an organization with ties to Masonry). It is considered by many to be a forerunner of the Ordo Templi Orientis and a majority of modern Occult groups. The belief system of the Golden Dawn is largely taken from Christian mysticism, Qabalah, Hermeticism, the religion of Ancient Egypt, Freemasonry, Alchemy, Theosophy, Magic, and Renaissance writings. William Yeats, and Aleister Crowly are two of the more famous members of the group. The fundamental documents of the order are known as the Cipher Documents. These were translated into English using a cipher attributed to Johannes Trithemius. The documents are a series of 60 folios containing magic rituals. The basic structure of many of these rituals appear to originate with Rosicrucianism. There is a great deal of controversy surrounding the origins of these documents.
8. The Knights Templar
Knights Templar (full name: The United Religious, Military and Masonic Orders of the Temple and of St John of Jerusalem, Palestine, Rhodes and Malta) is a modern off-shoot of Masonry and does not have a direct tie to the original Knights Templar – a religious military group formed in the 12th century. Members of the Masonic Knights Templar do not claim a direct connection to the medieval group, but merely a borrowing of ideas and symbols. In order to become a member of this group, you must already be a Christian Master Mason. This organization is a distinct one, and is not just a higher degree of Masonry. Despite Freemasonry’s general disclaimer that no one Masonic organization claims a direct heritage to the medieval
Knights Templar, certain degrees and orders are obviously patterned after the medieval Order. These are best described as “commemorative orders” or degrees. Nevertheless, in spite of the fraternity’s official disclaimers, some Masons, non-Masons, and even anti-Masons insist that certain Masonic rites or degrees originally had direct Templar influence.

9. Bilderberg Group
No famous members, but attendees have included Ben Bernanke, the royal families of Spain and the Netherlands, World Bank officials, and representatives from major corporations The Bilderberg Group is not a secret society per se, but it does operate under a similar veil of mystery, which has made it the subject of countless conspiracy theories and criticisms. The group was started in 1954, and since then it has convened every year as an exclusive, invitation-only conference of various world leaders, captains of industry, and media moguls. The group was originally started as a means of addressing a streak of anti-Americanism that was spreading through Europe following WWII, but over the years it appears to have morphed into a more broad discussion on reaching mutual understanding between cultures. The Bilderberg Group has become controversial for one key reason: no press is allowed in the conference and no significant details concerning the topics discussed are ever officially released to the public. That kind of secrecy, along with the intense security of the meeting sites, which often feature armed guards, police, and even fighter jets patrolling the skies overhead, has produced a number of conspiracy theories centered on the conference. The most popular is that the group tries to steer the direction of public policy, financial markets, and media in certain prescribed directions of their choosing, perhaps even with the goal of forming a so-called “one world government.” These claims have been brushed aside by the group, which claims global understanding and the end of nuclear proliferation as its main goals.
10. Ordo Templi Orientis
Ordo Templi Orientis is a mystic organization that was started in the early twentieth century. The group was established along the same lines as the less secretive Freemasons, and supposedly relies on ritual and occult practices as a means for members to move from one level of prestige to another within the organization. The general philosophy of the group was a belief in new age esoteric principles and practices as a method of realizing one’s true identity. Famed occultist and all-around eccentric Aleister Crowley composed much of the group’s lore, including a manifesto called the Mysteria Mystica Maxima, and he later became its head. After his death, the influence and popularity of Ordo Templi Orientis began to wane, but it still exists today and has various chapters scattered across the world, chiefly in the United States, the U.K., and other parts of Europe. As Aleister Crowley’s popularity as a new age figure has continued to grow, more and more of the teachings of the Ordo Templi Orientis have come to light. As such, the group makes much less of an attempt to be secretive today than it did in the past. This doesn’t mean that they don’t still have some bizarre practices. Chief among these is the group’s fixation on the sexual, especially their teachings on the “adoration of the phallus” and the magic of masturbation.

The Priory of Sion
After the publication of the Da Vinci Code by
Dan Brown, a great deal of interest in the Priory of Sion has been created. Unfortunately for those hoping to find and join the Priory, it is, in fact, fictional. It was a hoax created in 1956 by a pretender to the French Throne, Pierre Plantard. Letters in existence dating from the 1960s written by Plantard, de Cherisey and de Sède to each other confirm that the three were engaging in an out-and-out confidence trick, describing schemes on how to combat criticisms of their various allegations and how they would make up new allegations to try to keep the whole thing going. Despite this, many people still continue to believe that the Priory exists and functions to this day.
The authors of the well known book, The Holy Blood and the Holy Grail, misled by the hoax, stated:
1. The Priory of Sion has a long history starting in AD 1099, and had illustrious Grand Masters including Isaac Newton and
Leonardo da
2. The order protects certain royal claimants because they believe them to be the literal descendants of Jesus and his alleged wife Mary Magdalene or, at the very least, of king David.
3. The priory seeks the founding of a “Holy European Empire” that would become the next hyperpower and usher in a new world order of peace and prosperity.
Opus Dei
Opus Dei is an organization of the Catholic Church that emphasizes the Catholic belief that everyone is called to holiness and that ordinary life is a path to sanctity. The celibate numeraries and numerary assistants live in special centers, while associates are celibate members living in their private homes. The order was founded in Spain in 1928 by Roman Catholic priest Josemaría Escrivá with the approval of Pope Pius XII.
When Dan Brown’s Da Vinci Code was published, it claimed that Opus Dei was a secret organization within the Church whose aim was to defeat the Priory of Sion and those who seek to uncover the “truth” about Christianity and the alleged royal bloodline of Christ. Outside of the book, there has been a great deal of controversy over Opus Dei because of the strictness of its religious structure.
The Catholic Church forbids secret societies and membership in them, and Opus Dei investigators have frequently debunked claims that this organization is acting in secrecy to further a sinister agenda.
The Knights Templar
The Knights Templar (full name: The United Religious, Military and Masonic Orders of the Temple and of St John of Jerusalem, Palestine, Rhodes and Malta) is a modern off-shoot of Masonry and does not have a direct tie to the original Knights Templar – a religious military group formed in the 12th century. Members of the Masonic Knights Templar do not claim a direct connection to the medieval group, but merely a borrowing of ideas and symbols.
In order to become a member of this group, you must already be a Christian Master Mason. This organization is a distinct one, and is not just a higher degree of Masonry. Despite Freemasonry’s general disclaimer that no one Masonic organization claims a direct heritage to the medieval Knights Templar, certain degrees and orders are obviously patterned after the medieval Order. These are best described as “commemorative orders” or degrees. Nevertheless, in spite of the fraternity’s official disclaimers, some Masons, non-Masons, and even anti-Masons insist that certain Masonic rites or degrees originally had direct Templar influence.

The Rosicrucian order is generally believed to have been the idea of a group of German protestants in the 1600s when a series of three documents were published: Fama Fraternitatis Rosae Crucis, Confessio Fraternitatis, and The Chymical Wedding of Christian Rosenkreutz anno 1459. The documents were so widely read and influential, that the historian Frances Yeats refers to the 17th century as the Rosicrucian Enlightenment. The first document tells the story of a mysterious alchemist (Christian Rosenkreuz) who travelled to various parts of the world gathering secret knowledge. The second document tells of a secret brotherhood of alchemists who were preparing to change the political and intellectual face of Europe. The third document describes the invitation of Christian Rosenkreuz to attend and assist at the “Chemical” wedding of a King and Queen in a castle of Miracles.
Current members of the Rosicrucian Order claim that its origins are far more ancient than these documents. The authors of the documents seemed to strongly favor Lutheranism and include condemnations of the Catholic Church. Rosicrucianism probably had an influence on Masonry and, in fact, the 18th degree of Scottish Rite Masonry is called the Knight of the Rose Croix (red cross).
There are a large number of Rosicrucian groups today – each claiming to be closely tied to the original. Of the two main divisions, one is a mix of Christianity with Rosicrucian principles, and the other is semi-Masonic. The Masonic type tend to also have degrees of membership.

Klu Klux Klan
The Ku Klux Klan (KKK), informally known as the Klan, is the name of three distinct past and present far-right organizations in the United States, which have advocated extremist reactionary currents such as white supremacy, white nationalism, and anti-immigration, historically expressed through terrorism. It is classified as a hate group by the Anti-Defamation League and the Southern Poverty Law Center.
Third Reich
Third Reich, official Nazi designation for the regime in Germany from January 1933 to May 1945, as the presumed successor of the medieval and early modern Holy Roman Empire of 800 to 1806 (the First Reich) and the German Empire of 1871 to 1918 (the Second Reich).
Nazi Germany, or the Third Reich - officially called Deutsches Reich and later Großdeutsches Reich, or literally translated "Great German Realm" often translated as "Greater German Empire" (the word "greater" in German is "größeres" not "groß"; the word "Kaiserreich," and in some cases "Kaisertum," is the literal translation of empire)—refers to Germany in the years of 1933 to 1945, when it was governed by the dictatorship of the Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei (National Socialist German Workers' Party), abbreviated as Nazi Party, with
Adolf Hitler as chancellor and, from 1934, as head of state called the Führer (Leader) who ruled Germany under a totalitarian dictatorship until 1945.
The policies pursued by Nazi Germany, based on the concept of Lebensraum, "Aryan," Nordic racial purity, anti-Semitism, revenge for Germany's territorial losses and perceived loss of national pride at the Treaty of Versailles, and anti-communism directed at the Soviet Union were among the leading causes of the
Second World War and the Nazi regime's systematic mass murder of millions of Jews and other minorities in the genocide known as the
Holocaust or Shoah. The Holocaust was characterized by the efficient and systematic attempt on an industrial scale to assemble and kill as many people as possible, using all of the resources and technology available to the Nazi state. Approximately eleven million victims died, of whom about six million were Jews. Thousands of others were imprisoned.
The Nazi Party used the terms Drittes Reich and Tausendjähriges Reich ("Thousand-Year Realm/Empire") to describe the greater German ethnic empire they wished to forge. The term Third Reich referred to the Nazi recognition of former incarnations of important German realms while alluding to envisioned future prosperity and the new nation's alleged destiny.
The term was taken by the Nazis from the 1923 book Das Dritte Reich ("The Third Reich"), by the cultural historian and writer Arthur Moeller van den Bruck - who was an anti-Versailles German nationalist, but far from enthusiastic about Hitler whom he met in 1922.
"Reich" is a German word literally meaning "realm". The terms Kaiserreich (literally "realm of an emperor") and Königreich (literally "realm of a king") are used in German to refer to empires and kingdoms respectively.

The largest mechanism used by the bloodlines to implement the New World agenda is the global secret society network. Politicians, bankers, businessmen, and media personalities - the biggest names in history and world affairs form a huge secret society matrix.
This hierarchical pyramid-structured network is constantly recruiting and placing members in key influential positions. In order to orchestrate global events and policy decisions from behind the scenes, many niche secret societies groom and position politicians, media personalities, and other “yes-men” so they may best aid the Great
Work. Beneath the broad tide of human history there flow the stealthy undercurrents of
the Network of Global Secret Societies.
Beneath the broad tide of human history there flow the stealthy undercurrents of the secret societies, which frequently determine in the depths the
changes that take place upon the surface” -A. E. Waite (Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn) “You see, if you amount to anything in Washington these days, it is because you have been plucked or handpicked from an Ivy League school – Harvard, Yale, Kennedy School of Government – you’ve shown an aptitude to be a
good Ivy League type, and so you’re plucked so-to-speak, and you are assigned success. You are assigned a certain role in government somewhere, and then your
success is monitored and tracked, and you go where the pluckers and the hand pickers can put you.”
- Radio Talk show Host Rush Limbaugh, Feb. 7th, 1995
World leaders are made offers they cannot refuse, bribed, even blackmailed, or otherwise recruited and sworn into these secret societies.
often under blood-oaths to which they remain loyal, these Brotherhood initiates follow orders throughout their terms in office. In this way, the electorate constantly changes giving the illusion of discontinuity of leadership when in fact each successive leader “coincidentally” belongs to the same secret societies.A few of the more influential ones include the Freemasons, the
Illuminati Bohemian Grove, Skull and Bones, CFR,
RIIA, Bilderberg Group and the Trilateral Commission.
“A disturbing majority of the House and Senate representatives hold membership to elite organizations publicly sworn to destroying America in favor of a Globalist one world order system. “This trend ranges from the now public U.S. centered Council on Foreign Relations through the Trilateral Commission to the quasi-secret internationalist Bilderberg Group. At the end of the spectrum we even see occult influences like Skull and Bones along with the Freemasons. “The justification for a zealously ordered One World Government is chaos. Terrorism is the premier method for fomenting this chaos.” – Paul Joseph Watson,
The conspiracy to create a centralized global fascist state is orchestrated in the five-sense ‘world’ by a secret network known collectively as the
Illuminati or ‘Illuminated ones’. “They manipulate through secret societies and groupings like the Freemasons, Knights of Malta,
Knights Templar and the Jesuits. These and others feed carefully chosen recruits into the Illuminati and they are installed in positions of power throughout the world,
infesting all colors, races, creeds and countries. “It is not that everyone in the secret societies is aware of the plot; the
overwhelming majority are not. The Illuminati operate like a cancer to infiltrate and covertly control other organizations. Most Freemasons
never progress higher than the bottom three levels of degree, the so-called Blue Degrees and they don’t realize what their organization is
being used for. " - David Icke, "
Just look at the recent US Presidents: George W. Bush (Mason and Skull and Bones), Bill Clinton (Mason, CFR, Bilderberg, Trilateral), George H.W. Bush
(Mason, Committee of 300, Skull and Bones, CFR, Trilateral), Ronald
Reagan, (Mason, Knights of Malta), Jimmy Carter (Mason, CFR, Trilateral), Gerald Ford (Mason, CFR) and on it goes, most every American president has belonged to one or many secret societies.
Almost all America’s founding fathers were Freemasons, the senate has maintained a Masonic majority since its inception, and its influence has
only become more pervasive since. To deny the influence secret societies have in world affairs is naïve, but
the mainstream media seem complicit in their exclusion of any coverage involving them. As shown in the article “Secret Society Media
Manipulation,” this mainstream media black-out is also maintained through secret society membership. The 5 largest multi-media providers controlling 90% of America’s media are bloodline/secret society controlled. For example, the following are just a few of the hundreds of CFR, Trilateral, or Bilderberg owned/managed companies:
CBS, NBC, PBS, CNN, AP, Reuters, New York Times, New York Post, Washington Post, Washington Times, L.A. Times, Wall Street Journal,
Newsweek, Business Week, National Review, Time, Life, Look, Fortune, Reader’s Digest, U.S. News and World Report, Atlantic Monthly, McCall’s, World Review, and Scientific American.
Not only are the media CEOs and boards of directors usually secret society
members, so are the show hosts and news anchors! Here’s a sampling of some mainstream anchors and media personalities found on secret society
Peter Jennings, Dan Rather, Tom Brokaw, Ted Koppel, Barbara Walters, Diane Sawyer, William F. Buckley Jr., Joseph Harsch, Bill Meyers, C.C.
Collinwood, David Brinkley, John Chancellor, Marvin Kalb, Daniel Schorr, Joseph Kraft, James Reston, Max Frankel, David Halberstram, Harrison
Salisbury, Sol Linowitz, George Will, Robert McNeil, David Gergen, and Mortimer Zuckerman.
There can be no argument regarding the reality of secret societies today. The existence of groups like the Trilateral Commission, Council on Foreign Relations, and the Bilderbergers is well documented. The only question is the extent of their control and manipulation of major world events. “Likewise, there is no question that members of these societies exert inordinate control over many of the largest corporations and banks in the world. These corporations, in turn, control essential minerals, energy,
transportation, pharmaceuticals, agriculture, telecommunications, and
entertainment - in other words, the basics of modern life. They also provide an inner core of ranking government officials on a revolving door basis. These officials often implement the very policies conceived and desired by the societies.
These societies hold considerable sway over national elections and policy, yet seem strangely immune to any investigation, whether by government or the mass media. Since its inception in 1913, there has never been an outside, objective audit of the Federal Reserve System despite periodic
calls for such.” - Jim Marrs, Rule by Secrecy (109-10) After Bush was elected he immediately placed 5 Skull and Bones brothers in
his administration. Clinton and Nixon had over 100 CFR members in their administrations. Ronald Regan’s 59 man transition team alone had 28 CFR
members, 10 Bilderbergers, and 10 Trilaterals. Secret society members are prevalent at all levels of government, and not just
in America, but world-wide.
For instance, Saddam Hussein, Yasser Arafat, Mikhail Gorbachov, George Bush and Tony Blair are all 33rd
degree Freemasons. Marx, Engel, Lenin, Stalin, Trotsky, and Mao-Tse Tung were all high-level Grand Orient Lodge Freemasons.
Winston Churchill was Committee of 300 and a Mason. Cecil Rhodes founded the Round Table, was Committee of 300 and a Mason. Henry Kissinger is a
Mason, Knight of Malta, Committee of 300 and a Bilderberger. Dick Cheney is CFR and Trilateral Commission. David Rockefeller founded
Bilderberg and the Trilateral Commission, and is also CFR, Committee of 300 and a Mason. These are the biggest, most powerful names in politics, all meeting in secret with no minutes, and no media coverage. Our public servants making private policy decisions behind closed doors. This has been the rule,
not the exception, for longer than most people realize. During the 19th century, British Prime Minister Benjamin Disraeli was quite
outspoken regarding the influence of secret societies in politics: “The world is governed by very different personages from what is imagined by
those who are not behind the scenes. " - Benjamin Disraeli, 1844"
There is in Italy a power which we seldom mention in this House… I mean the
secret societies… It is useless to deny, because it is impossible to conceal, that a great part of Europe – the whole of Italy and France and
a great portion of Germany, to say nothing of other countries – is covered with a network of these secret societies, just as the
superficies of the earth is now being covered with railroads.” -Benjamin Disraeli, at British House of Commons, July 14, 1856 “The government of this country has not only to deal with governments, kings
and ministers, but also with secret societies, elements which must be taken into account, which at the last moment can bring our plans to
naught, which have everywhere their unscrupulous agents, who incite assassinations and can if necessary lead a massacre.” -Benjamin
Disraeli, at Aylesbury, Sept. 10, 1876 The Federal Reserve private banking syndicate was set up under Woodrow
Wilson’s presidency. The following quotes show his suspicions and regrets regarding this secret society of banking elites: “Since
I entered politics, I have chiefly had men’s views confided to me privately. Some of the biggest men in the United States, in the Field of
commerce and manufacture, are afraid of something. “They know that there is a power somewhere so organized, so subtle, so
watchful, so interlocked, so complete, so pervasive, that they better not speak above their breath when they speak in condemnation of
it. " - Woodrow Wilson, 1913 "
I am a most unhappy man. I have unwittingly ruined my country. A great industrial nation is controlled by its system of credit. Our system of credit is concentrated. The growth of the nation, therefore, and all our activities are in the hands of a few men. “We have come to be one of the worst ruled, one of the most completely controlled and dominated governments in the civilized world. No longer a government by free opinion, no longer a government by conviction and the vote of the majority, but a government by the opinion and duress of a small group of dominant men.” - Woodrow Wilson, 1916 British Prime Minister Winston Churchill was a Committee of 300 member and 33rd degree Mason. In 1920, he spoke from personal knowledge regarding the global conspiracy when he said: “From the days of Spartacus-Weishaupt to those of Karl Marx, to those of Trotsky, Bela Kun, Rosa Luxembourg, and Emma Goldman, this world wide conspiracy for the overthrow of civilization and for the reconstitution of society on the basis of arrested development, of envious malevolence and impossible equality, has been steadily growing. “It played a definitely recognizable role in the tragedy of the French Revolution. It has been the mainspring of every subversive movement during the nineteenth century, and now at last this band of extraordinary personalities from the underworld of the great cities of Europe and America have gripped the Russian people by the hair of their heads, and have become practically the undisputed masters of that enormous empire.” “The real menace of our Republic is the invisible government which like a giant octopus sprawls its slimy legs over our cities, states and nation. At the head is a small group of banking houses. This little coterie runs our government for their own selfish ends. It operates under cover of a self-created screen, seizes our executive officers, legislative bodies, schools, courts, newspapers and every agency created for the public protection.” -N.Y. Mayor, John Hylan, 1922 “The real truth of the matter is that a financial element in the large centers has owned the government since the days of Andrew Jackson” - US President Franklin D. Roosevelt, 1933
“The real rulers in Washington are invisible, and exercise power from behind the scenes.” – Supreme Court Justice Felix Frankfurter, 1952 “Today the path to total dictatorship in the United States can be laid by strictly legal means, unseen and unheard by the Congress, the President, or the people… outwardly we have a Constitutional government. “We have operating within our government and political system, another body representing another form of government, a bureaucratic elite which believes our Constitution is outmoded and is sure that it is the winning side. “All the strange developments in the foreign policy agreements may be traced to this group who are going to make us over to suit their pleasure. This political action group has its own local political support organizations, its own pressure groups, its own vested interests, its foothold within our government, and its own propaganda apparatus.” - Senator William Jenner, 1954 Bloodline president John F. Kennedy was well aware of America’s secret society control. His many rebellious decisions against the global elite, his non-participation in the Great Work, would ultimately lead to his assassination. He did, however, try to warn the average American of our plight. On April 27th, 1961 in an address to newspaper publishers, JFK said: “The very word ‘secrecy’ is repugnant in a free and open society, and we are as a people, inherently and historically, opposed to secret societies, secret oaths, and secret proceedings … For we are opposed around the world by a monolithic and ruthless conspiracy that relies primarily on covert means for expanding its sphere of influence. “It depends on infiltration instead of invasion, on subversion instead of elections, on intimidation instead of free choice. It is a system which has conscripted vast human and material resources into the building of a tightly knit, highly efficient machine that combines military, diplomatic, intelligence, economic, scientific, and political operations. “Its preparations are concealed, not published, its mistakes are buried, not headlined, its dissenters are silenced, not praised, no expenditure is questioned, no secret is revealed … I am asking your help in the tremendous task of informing and alerting the American people.” “The high office of President has been used to foment a plot to destroy the American’s freedom, and before I leave office I must inform the citizen of his plight.” – John F. Kennedy at Columbia University, Nov. 1st, 1963.

- V
Sussex is a demanding job where there have been a number of chief
constables over the years because of poor management and operational
policies according to reports into incidents like the James Ashley
shooting in Hastings,
where an unarmed man who was naked at the time was killed in 1998 by
Chris Sherwood special operations unit. How such an incident came
about beggars belief as reported by the media, despite Paul Whitehouse
blocking publication.
Whitehouse was ordered to resign by David
Blunkett, the then Home
Secretary because of the Report that condemned Whitehouse in respect of
the James
Ashley shooting and the raid that was:
on intelligence that was not merely exaggerated, it was determinably
false ... there was a plan to deceive and the evidence concocted."
Sir John Hoddinott concluded that the then chief constable of Sussex
"wilfully failed to tell
the truth as he knew it, he did so without reasonable excuse or
justification and what he published and said was misleading."
Sir John also found evidence against Deputy Chief Constable Mark
That included criminal misfeasance and neglect of duty, discreditable
conduct and aiding and abetting the chief constable's false statements.
There was suggested evidence of collusion between some or all of the
chief officers and an arguable case of attempting to pervert the course
of justice.
In a letter dated 27 June 2001, Sir Alistair Graham, the then chairman
of the Complaints Authority, stated:
"it is not possible to let you have a copy of Barbara Wilding's and
John Hoddinott's reports as section 80 of the Police Act 1996
specifically debars us from doing this except in special circumstances." Hence, the Report that would have confirmed to the
public what many already have complained about was blocked by Paul
Whitehouse and his merry men. But we know of recent cases where such
collusion and concocted evidence was used to target another member of
the public that Wealden want to ruin in the same way that James
Ashley was a police target - to protect the real criminals in
such damning evidence of local police corruption it is obvious that we
need a very robust mechanism to keep law and order running legally and
above board. We cannot have reports into what amounts to serious crime
within the ranks of our law enforcement officers being secretive - and
that brings us to the Masons
and the secret chain of command that nobody wants you, the public, to
know about.

Thought to be a hive of masonic influences, where the officers of this
corporation appear to hold sway over Sussex
police, a hold that could never have come about if the police were
properly accountable to the electorate and the courts.